Saturday, January 31

I see... a purple ABERDEEN ANGUS

age: unknown
nationality: Scottish
type of visitor: unique
eating: nope -- just jumping about
drinking: filter coffee

The purple Aberdeen Angus jumping around in front of a cameraman attracts my attention, so I politely interrupt it and explain that I am a blogger with a commission to ask searing philosophical questions about great contemporary issues. "What's with the cow jumping around thing?" I ask. A very nice man emerges from the backside of the purple Aberdeen Angus to explain that he and his cow are connected to FRENZY, a Christian Music Festival that takes place in Edinburgh on June 6th. My understanding of the world is marginally enhanced. The very nice man re-enters the backside of the purple Aberdeen Angus. The purple Aberdeen Angus goes nuts.

I go for a curry, feeling mildly disoriented.


Anonymous said...

I saw this guy outside Edinburgh castle... I was visiting for the day!

Mike Stocks said...

Of course it could have been a different purple aberdeen angus...

Freddie Frenzy said... this will probably help to explain what you saw :)